Are you looking for a guided discussion after you read the Bible with your kids?
Do you want to take your kids all the way through Scripture with fun projects, notebooking, and memory verses?
We’ve got you covered!
What is Bible Road Trip™?
Bible Road Trip is a three-year survey Bible curriculum for preschool to high school.
The Bible curriculum is written for five different levels of study, to allow you to custom tailor the program to your children. Your family will go through the books of the Bible in order.
Bible Road Trip™ is organized as a unit study, with each year covering specific books of the Bible.
Each week covers a book or a part of a book.
The grade levels are as follows:
- Preschool and Kindergarten
- Grades 1-3 (Lower Grammar)
- Grades 4-6 (Upper Grammar)
- Grades 7-9 (Dialectic)
- Grades 10-12 (Rhetoric)
Each grade level is divided into sections, and you can move children up or down a level in any given section as needed. Also, the Rhetoric level is an excellent choice for parents who would like to study alongside their students.
How is Bible Road Trip™ used?
Bible Road Trip allows you to study the Bible with your family or classroom, at five different levels, all at the same time.
This can be arranged either with students together for Bible reading with separate assignments for older students, or you can study separately at separate levels and meet together for discussion.
The design also allows for customization within schools and churches, and there is a classroom level available in the Thinking Kids Press store.
The 2024 Practical Homeschooling® Reader Awards™ were announced in the Fall 2024 issue of Practical Homeschooling® magazine.
The Reader Awards have been a regular feature in the magazine since 1998.
Thousands of homeschoolers rank the curriculum they have used, and the products with the highest satisfaction ratings win.
How is the Curriculum presented?
The Bible Road Trip Curriculum™ contains:
- A Parent Teacher Guide
- A Recommended Resources Section
- Suggested Schedules
- 32 Weeks of Curriculum
Each week contains:
- A Book of the Bible Overview
- Weekly Assignments
- Daily Readings and Discussion Questions
How do I schedule Bible Road Trip™?
Bible Road Trip™ will take your family 32 weeks for each year of the curriculum.
Or, you can slow it down and schedule it across 12 months. To help you delve deeper into certain subjects, Thinking Kids Press has a growing library of Family Discipleship materials available for you to use.
There are a number of sections of Bible Road Trip for each level. Each week has an overview for the parent explaining the book or section of the book covered.
For each level (with a few exceptions at the Preschool and Kindergarten level), you will find the following sections:
- Researching the Word
- Reading the Word
- Memorizing the Word
- Notebooking about the Word
- Praying about the Word
- Learning More about the Word
- Crafting Through the Word
For more information on the sections and how they work, please download the free Sample Pack (just sign up below for your 100% off coupon). The Sample Pack comes with a Parent Teacher Guide, which is comprehensive, and should not be skipped. This Parent Teacher Guide is also included with each level and year of the curriculum.
In the Parent Teacher Guide, which–again–is included in both the Sample Pack, and with the curriculum, there is a schedule for each level of the curriculum, and a schedule that will help you plan for all five levels of study at once!
It’s important to remember that you may not wish to do every section of Bible Road Trip™.
If you do, be sure to note the skills being learned in that section, and give your children a break in some of their other curriculum. If your kids are notebooking their way through the Bible, you may wish to assess how much writing they are doing in other areas to make sure your expectations are reasonable.
Why are there additional resources suggested for the Bible curriculum?
Your children will be going through Bible Road Trip™ will be reading and discussing the Bible.
That’s the most important part of the program. In fact, that’s one of the most important things we can do with our kids.
However, there are excellent resources available about the Bible, biblical archaeology, and even biblical fiction (which is suggested for the Upper Grammar level).
Bible Road Trip™ makes use of these excellent resources from reputable sources and scholars, broadening and enriching students’ understanding of God’s Word.
How do I know which resources to use?
I am asked frequently what resources parents must use with Bible Road Trip™. You need the curriculum, and a Bible.
I highly suggest utilizing a good study Bible–we prefer the ESV Study Bible. I think it’s a good idea for each child to have their own Bible so they read along or study on their own.
Everything else is optional, though I highly recommend the resources for Researching the Word, particularly for the Dialectic and Rhetoric levels.
Bible Road Trip™ utilizes fabulous books and movies to help you teach the Bible to your children. Learn what resources are used for each level of learning with the resource lists below.
Resource List for Bible Road Trip™ Preschool & Kindergarten
Resource List for Bible Road Trip™ Lower Grammar (Grades 1-3)
Resource List for Bible Road Trip™ Upper Grammar (Grades 4-6)
Resource List for Bible Road Trip™ Dialectic (Grades 7-9)
Resource List for Bible Road Trip™ Rhetoric (Grades 10-12)
What does each year of Bible Road Trip cover?
- Year One of Bible Road Trip™ covers the books of Law and History, from Genesis to Esther.
- Year Two of Bible Road Trip™ covers the books of Poetry and Prophecy, from Job to Malachi.
- Year Three of Bible Road Trip™ covers the books of the New Testament, from Matthew to Revelation.
Which year should I start with?
You can start with any year you would like. While it makes benefits to beginning with the books of Law and History, it can also make sense to begin with the Gospels.
Some families even begin with the books of Poetry and Prophecy since they’ve already studied the rest of the Old Testament prior to beginning their Bible Road Trip™ journey.
When there is a section of Scripture that really must be read in the light of other Scripture, the discussion questions will have directions to read another passage. Reading through the Bible as a family is a marathon, not a sprint. You can begin in whichever year makes the most sense for your family!
Why Memorize Bible Verses?
Memorization of Bible verses is so important for children.
You can lead your children through memorizing Scripture.
I know you’re busy, and I know there are so many distractions every day that make getting into the Bible difficult. Bible Road Trip™ is designed to allow you to be able to spend time going through Scripture with your kids–without having to do a ton of planning or research first.
The Bible Road Trip™ Bible Memory Verse Cards will continue the learning for your family. Just print them and cut them out, and you have the memory verses for the year right at your fingertips!
You can work through the verses for each week as you’re having a meal, running errands (with an older child reading the card), or during your morning Bible Road Trip™ time! Your kids will always remember the time they spent memorizing with you. More importantly, they’ll remember the Word of God.
How does Bible Road Trip™ approach Scripture? Are you really a Christian?
I think questions about my perspective and the perspective of Bible Road Trip™ are completely fair.
The curriculum is written from an orthodox, Protestant viewpoint. That’s orthodox with a small “o”, as in conforming to the creeds and beliefs of the early Church.
You can find my statement of faith here. I hold to the truth testified to by the Bible that Scripture is the inerrant, infallible, inspired Word of God. I personally hold to a Reformed view of theology.
Bible Road Trip™ is written as a survey of the Bible with an emphasis on:
- God’s sovereignty
- His plan for salvation
- Christ’s presence throughout Scripture
- Mankind’s relationship with God.
There are areas of Scripture that respectable theologians throughout history have not agreed upon. (Eschatology, for instance.) I clearly identify those areas in the discussion questions and introduction for each week and leave room for parental teaching. My goal isn’t to convince your children that the second half of the book of Daniel is only to be interpreted one way. My goal is to point to the Scriptural truth that Christ is risen, He is returning, and we need to prepare.
In areas where the interpretation of Scripture in the last 200 years has veered from the interpretation of Scripture for the first 1800 (or more, in the case of the Old Testament) years of Church history, I chose to write from the historical perspective.
The resources used for Bible Road Trip™ are in line with my statement of faith and with the orthodox, historical, Protestant perspective.
What is a Notebooking Journal?
A notebooking journal is a way for students to record their thoughts, narrate the information they’ve learned, reinforce important facts and ideas, and to illustrate their work. Notebooking journals are often open-ended, with much freedom given to record thoughts.
The journals are presented at three different levels, from grades 1-9, with additional writing space in each level. You can absolutely use the Dialectic (grades 7-9) Notebooking Journals for the Rhetoric level (grades 10-12). In fact, I’ve heard from a number of adults who are doing the Rhetoric level program and using the Dialectic journals for their own Bible study. However, by high school, students may wish to take additional notes or structure their notes to their own preferences. You can choose either option for your high school students.
For more information about notebooking, check out these resources:
- How to use Bible Notebooking Pages to Teach the Bible
- What is Notebooking?
- Ode to Notebooking | Why we love homeschool notebooking
- How to Notebook with Kids
- Famous People Who Kept Journals | Is Notebooking Right for Your Child?
What skills does notebooking develop?
Notebooking provides the opportunity to develop skills in the areas of:
- Handwriting
- Written Narration
- Reading Comprehension
- Pre-writing, such as notetaking and organization
- Reading Comprehension
- Research
Are the Bible curriculum, memory verse cards, and notebooking journals separate?
You can choose what resources you’d like to use on your Bible Road Trip™ journey, and how involved you’d like your students to be. You can also choose which levels are appropriate for your child to use.
Can I see the Bible curriculum and notebooking pages before I purchase them?
Yes! Grab the Year One Sample three-week pack.
Where do I buy Bible Road Trip™?
You’ll find everything organized by year at The Thinking Kids Press Store.
Bible Road Trip™ CurriculumLearn More HereStarter BundleLearn More HereBible Road Trip™ Memory Verse CardsLearn More HereBible Road Trip™ Notebooking JournalsLearn More HereHelp Your Kids Learn and Love the BibleLearn More Here
Books Make Great Gifts!
Teach Your Kids the Bible with Bible Road Trip™
Bible Road Trip™ is a three-year Bible survey curriculum. Take your family through the Bible five times from preschool to high school.
To help you get the most out of your studies, Bible Road Trip™ has an array of coordinating weekly activities:
- Researching the section of the Bible you’re studying
- Reading and discussing the Bible
- Memorizing Scripture
- Notebooking about your studies
- Praying for the nations
- Suggestions for further study
- Crafting about what you’ve learned
- For your older students: A project to share what they’ve learned
- Bible Road Trip™ also has some great tools you can use along with it, such as:
- Notebooking Journals for grades 1-9. Want a structured notebooking journal for high school? Don’t hesitate to use the Dialectic journal (grades 7-9).
- Bible Memory Card Sets for all five levels of study, preschool to high school. These are available in both ESV and KJV.
Grab your Bible Road Trip™ Year One Sample Pack. You’ll get:
- The Bible Road Trip™ Parent / Teacher Guide.
- The first three weeks of the curriculum for all five learning levels. Week Three is where we really dive into the Bible and begin to our systematic study. Week Three will give you a good feel for the rest of the curriculum.
- The first three weeks of the Bible Memory Card sets for all five levels, in ESV and KJV.
- The first three weeks of each of the three leveled Notebooking Journals.
Grab the Sample Pack for FREE:
Disciple your kids by taking your family through the Bible together in a meaningful way!
Bible Road Trip™ Curriculum
Take a look inside the Bible Road Trip™ curriculum! Let me show you around:
Bible Resources for Your Kids
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