Want to study current events with your teens? Here are resources to study current events with high schoolers and middle schoolers.

 Current Events for Teens

As our boys got older, part of our goal in discipling them for Christ has been to help them become aware of current events, and to see these events through a Christian worldview.

In the middle and high school years, we developed a simple routine to study current events with our teens. It takes about a half hour of our weekday mornings, so we did it over breakfast or lunch. That way, it didn’t interfere with our school day, we had time for discussion, and on the days when Dad was home for breakfast, he could guide the discussion.

I’d encourage you to take the time to help your middle school and high school students understand the news from a biblical perspective now, while they’re at home. You can do this regardless of how your children are schooled.

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Current Events for Teens

1) The World and Everything in It | WORLD News Podcast

WORLD News Group puts out a wonderful daily newscast your family can stream right at breakfast. The broadcast is presented from a distinctly Christian worldview. Not only will your teens (and kids!) hear coverage on domestic and international news, your family will also hear coverage on every U.S. Supreme Court case, as well as analysis of economic conditions. I highly recommend this podcast for the entire family.

CNN Student News for middle and high school students

2) CNN Student News

Let’s be clear right up front: CNN Student News is not a Christian newscast, and there are sometimes segments we don’t agree with. Sometimes I feel like bias is evident. However, CNN Student News is not the same as the adult version of CNN.

I love the fact that we can stop the broadcast and discuss the worldview involved, and how we feel worldview and ethics influence the presentation. Our goal has never been to insulate our children from the world, but rather to train them to live in the world.

Our kids loved watching CNN student news every morning–or over lunch. It takes just 10 minutes. I appreciate the fact that the anchor, Carl Azuz, is cheerful and fun. I also appreciate the fact that the news is edited for middle and high school students.

Current events are carefully explained so that teens will understand the issues behind current events. For instance, an episode we watched in 2015 was a news section on the allied offense on ISIS. Teens learned what ISIS stands for, what the group is doing (in a non-frightening, appropriate way), why ISIS is a global security threat, and how allied nations are working to control the threat.

You can watch CNN Student News from any internet-enabled device, such as a tablet, laptop, or smart TV. We just find that a tablet works well for us at the mealtime.

3) Albert Mohler’s The Briefing

The Briefing by Albert Mohler is a 20 minute podcast. We listen on our tablet from his page on SermonAudio. Dr. R. Albert Mohler Jr. is the president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Each weekday, he chooses several news events and comments on them from a biblical perspective with the goal of helping listeners develop a Christian worldview.

Our teens grew into this activity. Dr. Mohler’s podcast is aimed at adults, so were times when my middle schoolers glazed over a little. The subjects can be advanced and Dr. Mohler speaks quickly. I do think that stretching teens is worthwhile, and familiarity with the podcast helped them develop a greater understanding over time. You’ll want to use your parental discernment with your own teens.

4) Morning Wire | The Daily Wire Podcast

Morning Wire is a short, twice-daily newscast from a politically conservative worldview. Our family really enjoys this outrage-free news reporting on important domestic and world events. Listening is a great way to stay up-to-date on current events.

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Additional Resources

The following resources were used by our family a few times a week or month, in our free time.

1) Wretched Network

Wretched Network
We enjoy Todd Friel’s Wretched Network on YouTube. Mr. Friel takes on diverse subjects from theology, Christian history, and evangelism to worldview and current events. His broadcasts are about three times a week, of varying lengths. We watch the ones that are appropriate for our kids.

We watch YouTube broadcasts on a full screen mode (again on our tablet). This prevents unrelated and undesirable posts from showing on the screen. (Some advertised YouTube videos have terrible screenshots.)

2) WORLD TEEN Magazine

WORLD TEEN Magazine comes 5 times a year. A subscription gives families access to weekly emails, as well as a tablet app that’s available. My boys love perusing these age-appropriate news articles and commentaries on their own. We trust the news team at WORLD and appreciate having this resource available.

3) WORLD Magazine

My husband and I subscribe to WORLD, a Christian bi-weekly magazine. I appreciate their theologically conservative viewpoint and the frequency of the magazines. My boys love the sections on culture, the political cartoons, and news blurbs. One of my boys reads the magazines from cover-to-cover. I actually have to request they return them each evening so I can have a chance to read them!

That’s how we’ve studied current events with teens from a biblical perspective. I feel it prepared our kids to examine and interact with the world, keeping God’s Word as their filter. I also hope you found a new resource or two for your family.

How do you study current events as a family?

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Teach Your Kids the Bible with Bible Road Trip™

Bible Road Trip™ Year One Sample

Bible Road Trip™ is a three-year Bible survey curriculum. Take your family through the Bible five times from preschool to high school.

To help you get the most out of your studies, Bible Road Trip™ has an array of coordinating weekly activities:

  • Researching the section of the Bible you’re studying
  • Reading and discussing the Bible
  • Memorizing Scripture
  • Notebooking about your studies
  • Praying for the nations
  • Suggestions for further study
  • Crafting about what you’ve learned
  • For your older students: A project to share what they’ve learned
  • Bible Road Trip™ also has some great tools you can use along with it, such as:
    • Notebooking Journals for grades 1-9. Want a structured notebooking journal for high school? Don’t hesitate to use the Dialectic journal (grades 7-9).
    • Bible Memory Card Sets for all five levels of study, preschool to high school. These are available in both ESV and KJV.

Carlyn BRT Y1 Sample

Grab your Bible Road Trip™ Year One Sample Pack. You’ll get:

  • The Bible Road Trip™ Parent / Teacher Guide.
  • The first three weeks of the curriculum for all five learning levels. Week Three is where we really dive into the Bible and begin to our systematic study. Week Three will give you a good feel for the rest of the curriculum.
  • The first three weeks of the Bible Memory Card sets for all five levels, in ESV and KJV.
  • The first three weeks of each of the three leveled Notebooking Journals.

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Bible Resources for Your Kids

Bible Road Trip™ CurriculumLearn More HereStarter BundleLearn More HereHelp Your Kids Learn and Love the BibleLearn More HereBible Investigators | Puzzle-Based Bible StudyLearn More HereBible Road Trip™ Memory Verse CardsLearn More HereBible Road Trip™ Notebooking JournalsLearn More Here

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Current Events for Teens

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