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    Danika Cooley is the author of When Lightning Struck!: The Story of Martin Luther, Wonderfully Made: God's Story of Life from Conception to Birth, and Bible Road Trip.

    Meet Danika Cooley

    My name is Danika Cooley, and I’m glad you’re here. This site exists to help equip you to teach your kids the Bible and Christian history. I’m an author, a homeschool mom, and a curriculum developer. Pull up a chair and stay a while!

    Moses and the 10 Commandments Craft

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    Discover hands-on resources to help you teach the Bible and Christian history, such as crafts, lapbooks, and devotional banners and calendars.

    Moses and the Red Sea Craft | Bible Stick Puppets

    Gospel of Jesus Poster and Cards

    Teach your kids the Gospel of Jesus Christ with this fun Gospel Verses Poster & Cards in ESV & KJV!

    Bear Fruit Bible Bookmark Craft

    Make this fun Bible bookmark craft with your kids to remind them that all fruit comes as a result of their relationship with Jesus.

    Family Prayer Box Craft

    Make a Family Prayer Box Craft and six corresponding sets of Printable Prayer Cards for Kids to teach your children about prayer!

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    Get the Family Prayer Box Project FREE!

    Teach your children to pray with this fun project that includes 7 printable sets!

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