Are you struggling to make time for praying? Here’s a list of 15 easy ways to make a habit of daily prayer. Start with praying in the shower!

15 Ways to Make a Daily Prayer Habit

I want to thank my dear friend Tauna from Proverbial Homemaker. She’s written this post to encourage you.

Dear Busy Mom,

Have you been having a hard time spending good time with the Lord in prayer? You want to feel connected to Him all day but find yourself in the middle of a prayer slump you can’t seem to get out of. You long to be a woman of prayer, but you’re struggling to find the time in the midst of the chaos and the clutter.

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And you feel guilty because, after all, it’s not about finding time for the Lord but making Him your priority, right? You know this, yet for some reason it’s still hard. As I’m sure you’ve experienced, too, that a prayer-less day is always a less peaceful day.  So what do you do to get back on track?

First, just know that you’re not alone. Nobody wants to say they’re having trouble making time for prayer because we’re all supposed to be such faithful Christians. Yet I’m convinced that most (maybe all?) of us struggle with this at various times. I know I do! So let me tell you what helps me when I’m struggling.

When I find that my prayer life has become dried up and neglected, there are a few things I do to get back on track. If I can find the time, I go on a prayer retreat. This can be a simple trip to the coffee shop alone or my annual overnight prayer retreat. Those are wonderful times to really refresh and renew your prayer life.

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Praying in the Shower: Making a Habit of Daily Prayer

However, the day-to-day is where you and I live most of the time. The daily grind is where our prayer lives can either thrive or dry up. The BEST thing I can do to get my mind and heart into the habit of daily prayer is what I refer to as anchoring. I identify rocks in my day – the activities that I do each day without fail – and I anchor my prayer times to them. They can be simple or complex, but as I focus on one a time soon I am back into a habit of praying without ceasing. That’s where we want to be!

Here are some ideas to get you started:

  1. Pray before your feet hit the floor – As you’re thinking about the day (or trying to fend it off a bit longer) spend some time praying about the activities ahead for you and your family.
  2. Pray over a cup of coffee or tea – Enjoy your morning beverage and pray for energy, clarity, and guidance as you parent your children.
  3. Plan for dedicated daily prayer – Make a simple plan: read your Bible and pray through the scriptures, use a prayer journal, or prayer request cards for moms.
  4. Pray in the shower – Use this time to focus on prayer for a member of your family. (I laminate a page with areas to pray for and post it in my shower!)
  5. Pray when you wash your hands – Take this brief pause to pray for spiritual and physical health for whichever friend or loved one comes to mind.
  6. Pray before devotions – Pray with your children before beginning family devotions, praying that God’s Word would be received and accomplish its purposes.
  7. Pray before important conversations – Before talking to a friend over a difficult matter or approaching your child to instruct or discipline them, pause and pray for wisdom and discretion.
  8. Pray at midday – As you eat lunch or clean up from it, thank God for the blessings of the day so far and pray for the rest of the day.
  9. Pray when you fold the clothes – Pray over your family members as you wash and fold their clothes, asking God to grow in them a heart of service.
  10. Pray those desperate bathroom prayers – We busy moms can find a brief reprieve in the bathroom to pray when the day gets frustrating or overwhelming.
  11. Stop everything and pray – When things get crazy or a concerning situation comes up, stop everything and pray out loud, or take a line from Susanna Wesley and wear an apron and throw it over your head to pray!
  12. Pray past your murmurings – When you catch yourself complaining or murmuring in your heart toward your family, turn them into sincere prayers instead.
  13. Pray as you clean up from the day – Praise God and thank Him for the day, submitting all the victories and the struggles to Him.
  14. Pray when your head hits the pillow – Meditate on a Psalm and pray to the Lord before the day closes.
  15. Pray without ceasing – Keep striving in prayer, one anchor at a time, and soon a habit of praying without ceasing will be yours again.

So, dear Busy Mom, set aside a few minutes today and write down the rocks in your day and anchor your daily prayers to them. You will be blessed!

tauna-sqTauna is a Jesus follower, wife, mom, [domestically challenged] homemaker, homeschooler, and writer. Her passion is to help women pursue God’s call on their lives (no matter the learning curve) and rely on Him to equip us for the task! You’ll find her at, bringing you encouragement and tools for your journey.

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But are we also putting our time and energy into
teaching them the Bible? Giving them the life-changing, soul-nourishing words of Scripture is not only doable, it’s an essential part of parenting kids for Jesus. And the good news is, studying God’s Word as a family doesn’t have to be difficult!

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Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved,
a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.

Our job, as parents who love Jesus, is to help our kids become approved workers, unashamed and rightly handling the word of truth.

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You will finish this book feeling encouraged and empowered to initiate and strengthen your child’s relationship with the Lord through His Word.

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Help Your Kids Learn and Love the Bible will equip you with everything you need to know to teach the Bible to your kids!

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15 Ways to Make a Daily Prayer Habit

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