Your kids can learn about the major messages of the minor prophets with these wonderful picture books about the minor prophets of the Bible!

Picture Books about the Minor Prophets of the Bible
In Paul’s second letter to Timothy (2 Timothy 3:14-17, ESV), Paul says of the Bible:

But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed, knowing from whom you learned it and how from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.

All of Scripture is valuable for teaching, reproof, correction, and training in righteousness. Like Timothy, we want our own children to learn God’s Word from childhood.

Bible picture books can be especially helpful in our pursuit to teach the whole Bible to our kids. In Bible Road Trip™, your three-year family journey through the Bible, you’ll use the Bible to teach the Bible. In Help Your Kids Learn and Love the Bible (Bethany House, 2021), you’ll explore how to use the Bible to teach Scripture to your family.

While we want to teach the Bible to our kids straight from the Bible, Bible picture books are a wonderful way to help our children deepen their understanding of individual books and stories in Scripture. Children are concrete thinkers, and the visual aspect and simple language of Bible picture books can be really helpful and memorable for them!

Often, Bible picture books and Bible story books neglect the books of the prophets altogether. The only minor prophet most children (and most adults, for that matter) have heard of is Jonah. That’s unfortunate! We know all of God’s Word is valuable. Our kids deserve to learn about all of it.

Bible Road Trip™ Teach Your Kid the Bible

Minor Prophets of the Bible

Christian Focus Publications has a great series of picture books on the minor prophets available. The twelve books come in three sturdy box sets of four books each (or you can purchase them individually). The series is a great way to teach children about main themes of the minor prophets in a way they’ll enjoy and remember.

The series, God’s Daring Dozen, is authored by:

  • Brian J. Wright holds a Ph.D. He is an associate pastor at Denia Community Church in Denton, Texas. Dr. Wright is the author of a number of adult theological books.
  • John Brown (Th.M.) who is the founding pastor of Denia Community Church in Denton, Texas. Pastor Brown has also trained missionaries and international pastors.

Lisa Flanagan illustrates the series with lovely illustrations. I have to say, I love the fact that the illustrations represent a number of ethnicities. The prophets for Israel and Judah were from the Middle East, and the area was a melting pot for people from several continents. I love that the illustrations represent God’s amazingly diverse creation of his people.

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Wonderfully Made by Danika Cooley

Picture Books on the Minor Prophets

Each of the books about the minor prophets in the God’s Daring Dozen series is written in easy-to-read prose. Each book focuses on the primary message and storyline of each book and ends with an encouraging message related to the gospel.

God’s Daring Dozen Box Set 1: A Minor Prophet Series (God’s Daring Dozen, 1)God’s Daring Dozen Box Set 1: A Minor Prophet Series (God’s Daring Dozen, 1)God’s Daring Dozen Box Set 2: A Minor Prophet SeriesGod’s Daring Dozen Box Set 2: A Minor Prophet SeriesGod's Daring Dozen Box Set 3: A Minor Prophet SeriesGod's Daring Dozen Box Set 3: A Minor Prophet SeriesZephaniah’s Hero: The Minor Prophets, Book 1 (God's Daring Dozen; A Minor Prophets Story)Zephaniah’s Hero: The Minor Prophets, Book 1 (God's Daring Dozen; A Minor Prophets Story)Habakkuk’s Song: The Minor Prophets, Book 2 (Minor Prophets, 2)Habakkuk’s Song: The Minor Prophets, Book 2 (Minor Prophets, 2)Obadiah and the Edomites: The Minor Prophets, Book 3 (Minor Prophets, 3)Obadiah and the Edomites: The Minor Prophets, Book 3 (Minor Prophets, 3)Haggai’s Feast: Minor Prophets, Book 4 (Minor Prophets, 4)Haggai’s Feast: Minor Prophets, Book 4 (Minor Prophets, 4)Nahum and the Ninevites: The Minor Prophets, Book 8 (God's Daring Dozen)Nahum and the Ninevites: The Minor Prophets, Book 8 (God's Daring Dozen)Joel and the Locusts: The Minor Prophets, Book 7 (God's Daring Dozen)Joel and the Locusts: The Minor Prophets, Book 7 (God's Daring Dozen)Jonah’s Journeys: The Minor Prophets, Book 6 (God's Daring Dozen)Jonah’s Journeys: The Minor Prophets, Book 6 (God's Daring Dozen)Malachi’s Final Message: The Minor Prophets, Book 5 (God's Daring Dozen)Malachi’s Final Message: The Minor Prophets, Book 5 (God's Daring Dozen)Zechariah's Encouragement: The Minor Prophets, Book 12 (God's Daring Dozen)Zechariah's Encouragement: The Minor Prophets, Book 12 (God's Daring Dozen)Amos and God's Roaring Voice: The Minor Prophets, Book 10 (God's Daring Dozen)Amos and God's Roaring Voice: The Minor Prophets, Book 10 (God's Daring Dozen)Hosea and God's Love: The Minor Prophets, Book 9 (God's Daring Dozen)Hosea and God's Love: The Minor Prophets, Book 9 (God's Daring Dozen)Micah's Hope: The Minor Prophets, Book 11 (God's Daring Dozen)Micah's Hope: The Minor Prophets, Book 11 (God's Daring Dozen)

  • God’s Daring Dozen Box Set #1 (Christian Focus Publications, 2021) –  The first box set of God’s Daring Dozen contains:
      • Zephaniah’s Hero (Christian Focus Publications, 2021) –  Zephaniah calls God’s people to repentance and encourages them to live in righteousness.

      • Habakkuk’s Song (Christian Focus Publications, 2021) – God’s people must trust him, even when his actions are confusing. We can have faith in Jesus!

      • Obadiah and the Edomites (Christian Focus Publications, 2021) –  God’s people must display humility. We can place our hope in God.

      • Haggai’s Feast (Christian Focus Publications, 2021) – God’s people must obey him! We can display courage when we follow the Lord.

  • God’s Daring Dozen Box Set #2 (Christian Focus Publications, 2023) –  The second box set of God’s Daring Dozen contains:
      • Malachi’s Final Message (Christian Focus Publications, 2023) –  Malachi teaches respect for and hope in God.
      • Joel and the Locusts (Christian Focus Publications, 2023) – Joel teaches repentance and promises renewal.
      • Jonah’s Journeys (Christian Focus Publications, 2023) – Jonah teaches compassion and encourages obedience.
      • Nahum and the Ninevites (Christian Focus Publications, 2023) – Nahum teaches the power and deliverance of God.


  • God’s Daring Dozen Box Set #3 (Christian Focus Publications, 2024) – The third box sent of God’s Daring Dozen contains:

The God’s Daring Dozen series is a wonderful way for kids to learn about the minor prophets of the Bible in a way that helps them understand the primary message of each book and the gospel message!

**There are an additional four planned books in the God’s Daring Dozen minor prophets series.**

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Bible Resources for Your Kids

Bible Road Trip™ CurriculumLearn More HereStarter BundleLearn More HereHelp Your Kids Learn and Love the BibleLearn More HereBible Investigators | Puzzle-Based Bible StudyLearn More HereBible Road Trip™ Memory Verse CardsLearn More HereBible Road Trip™ Notebooking JournalsLearn More Here

A Resource to Help Teach Kids About Life in the Womb

Wonderfully Made: God's Story of Life from Conception to BirthWonderfully Made: God’s Story of Life from Conception to BirthWonderfully Made: God's Story of Life from Conception to Birth

Your kids will love learning about life inside the womb with Wonderfully Made: God’s Story of Life from Conception to Birth, published by Christian Focus 4 Kids.

Wonderfully Made is a science- and Scripture-filled picture book for kids ages 5-11. The book is told from the perspective of a mother telling her child about his or her development in the womb week-by-week. In fact, Wonderfully Made is written to help parents meet the theological, scientific, and relational purposes of teaching kids about life in the womb.

Wonderfully Made: God's Story of Life from Conception of Birth is a lovely story of life for kids from ages 5-11, told from the perspective of a mom with science and Scripture.

You can also learn more about Wonderfully Made over at the book page.

Head over to the Thinking Kids Press store for your free Wonderfully Made posters, Bible memory verse cards, and lapbook!
They’re a great companion to the book Wonderfully Made, and the perfect way to teach your kids about life in the womb!

You can purchase Wonderfully Made now:

Autographed from Danika Cooley: Wonderfully Made: God’s story of life from conception to birth
Amazon: Wonderfully Made: God’s story of life from conception to birth
Amazon UK: Wonderfully Made: God’s Story of Life from Conception to Birth
Christian Book: Wonderfully Made: God’s story of life from conception to birth

WM PRC Bundle

Grab a Pregnancy Resource / Gift Bundle of 10 or 15 copies and save!

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Picture Books about the Minor Prophets of the Bible

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