Looking for Creation Science books for teens? There are tons of resources available for your middle and high school students!

Creation Science Books for Teens

Do you want to teach your kids about science from a Christian perspective? Do you want your kids to understand clearly the difference between Evolution, Creationism, and Intelligent Design?

There are some wonderful resources you can use to teach your kids about God’s creation. As they get older, your children can look deeper into the arguments for Creationism. I’ve put together for you a list of wonderful creation science books and resources for middle and high school students.

Need Creation resources for kids? Find them here!

Looking for Christian homeschool science curriculum? You’ll find it here.

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Creation Science ~ Internet Resources

  • Answers in Genesis ~ AIG has a full library of resources available, including a well-organized series of articles, online PDF copies of books, online access to the Answers magazine (for subscribers; you can also purchase copies or a subscription), videos, and resources for purchase including books, videos, and curricula. If you have questions, this is a good place to start.
  • The Institute for Creation Research ~ ICR provides a variety of resources, including news articles, free magazine subscriptions, short videos, and books and videos you can purchase.
  • Creation Ministries International ~ CMI puts out both the Creation Magazine and the Journal of Creation. You’ll find well-researched, peer-reviewed articles by scientists, as well as books, videos and subscriptions to the two magazines available for purchase.

Bible Investigators

Creation Science Resources for Middle School

Bible Investigators: Creation: Puzzles and Activities for Independent LearningBible Investigators: Creation: Puzzles and Activities for Independent LearningBible Investigators: Creation: Puzzles and Activities for Independent Learning

Bible Investigators | Bible Puzzles for Kids

The Mineral Book (Wonders of Creation)The Mineral Book (Wonders of Creation)The Mineral Book (Wonders of Creation)The New Astronomy Book (Wonders of Creation)The New Astronomy Book (Wonders of Creation)The New Astronomy Book (Wonders of Creation)The New Weather Book (Wonders of Creation)The New Weather Book (Wonders of Creation)The New Weather Book (Wonders of Creation)The Fossil Book (Wonders of Creation)The Fossil Book (Wonders of Creation)The Fossil Book (Wonders of Creation)The Cave Book (Wonders of Creation)The Cave Book (Wonders of Creation)The Cave Book (Wonders of Creation)The Archaeology Book (Wonders of Creation)The Archaeology Book (Wonders of Creation)The Archaeology Book (Wonders of Creation)New Ocean Book, the (Wonders of Creation)New Ocean Book, the (Wonders of Creation)New Ocean Book, the (Wonders of Creation)The Ecology Book (Wonders of Creation)The Ecology Book (Wonders of Creation)The Ecology Book (Wonders of Creation)The Geology Book (Wonders of Creation)The Geology Book (Wonders of Creation)The Geology Book (Wonders of Creation)

      •  Wonders of Creation Series (Master Books) ~ A great series that each focus on a specific scientific discipline from a Christian worldview. Titles include: The Cave Book, The Geology Book, The Fossil Book, The Archaeology Book, The Ocean Book, The Ecology Book, The Weather Book, The Mineral Book, and The New Astronomy Book (various authors).

Jonathan Park: The Adventure Begins - Series 1Jonathan Park: The Adventure Begins – Series 1Jonathan Park: The Adventure Begins - Series 1Jonathan Park: No Looking Back - Series 2Jonathan Park: No Looking Back – Series 2Jonathan Park: No Looking Back - Series 2Jonathan Park: The Winds of Change - Series 3Jonathan Park: The Winds of Change – Series 3Jonathan Park: The Winds of Change - Series 3Jonathan Park: The Hunt for Beowulf - Series 4Jonathan Park: The Hunt for Beowulf – Series 4Jonathan Park: The Hunt for Beowulf - Series 4Jonathan Park: The Explorer's Society - Series 5Jonathan Park: The Explorer’s Society – Series 5Jonathan Park: The Explorer's Society - Series 5Jonathan Park: The Journey Never Taken - Series 6Jonathan Park: The Journey Never Taken – Series 6Jonathan Park: The Journey Never Taken - Series 6Jonathan Park: The Voyage Beyond - Series 7Jonathan Park: The Voyage Beyond – Series 7Jonathan Park: The Voyage Beyond - Series 7Jonathan Park: The Copper Scroll - Series 8Jonathan Park: The Copper Scroll – Series 8Jonathan Park: The Copper Scroll - Series 8Jonathan Park: The Whispering Sphinx - Series 9Jonathan Park: The Whispering Sphinx – Series 9Jonathan Park: The Whispering Sphinx - Series 9Jonathan Park: The Dreamer's Tomb - Series 10Jonathan Park: The Dreamer’s Tomb – Series 10Jonathan Park: The Dreamer's Tomb - Series 10Jonathan Park: Call of the Exodus - Series 11Jonathan Park: Call of the Exodus – Series 11Jonathan Park: Call of the Exodus - Series 11

      • Jonathan Park ~ These audiobooks are fun, full of adventure, and packed with information about Creation science and evolution.

The Genius of Ancient ManThe Genius of Ancient ManThe Genius of Ancient ManUnwrapping the Pharaohs: How Egyptian Archaeology Confirms the Biblical TimelineUnwrapping the Pharaohs: How Egyptian Archaeology Confirms the Biblical TimelineUnwrapping the Pharaohs: How Egyptian Archaeology Confirms the Biblical TimelineUnveiling the Kings of Israel: Revealing the Bible's Archaeological HistoryUnveiling the Kings of Israel: Revealing the Bible’s Archaeological HistoryUnveiling the Kings of Israel: Revealing the Bible's Archaeological History


      • The Genius of Ancient Man by Don Landis with Jackson Hole Bible College (Master Books) ~ Find out how our understanding of ancient man through archaeological discoveries actually disproves the idea of evolutionary theory.
      • Unwrapping the Pharaohs by John Ashton & David Down (Master Books) ~ Explore a dating system for Egyptian history that matches the biblical story of the Israelite enslavement and Exodus.

Creation Science Resources for High School

Geology by DesignGeology by DesignGeology by DesignFlood by Design (Design Series)Flood by Design (Design Series)Flood by Design (Design Series)Universe by DesignUniverse by DesignUniverse by DesignCreation & Evolution: Compatible or in Conflict?Creation & Evolution: Compatible or in Conflict?Creation & Evolution: Compatible or in Conflict?Not a Chance: God, Science, and the Revolt against ReasonNot a Chance: God, Science, and the Revolt against ReasonNot a Chance: God, Science, and the Revolt against ReasonDarwin Effect, TheDarwin Effect, TheDarwin Effect, TheSignature in the Cell: DNA and the Evidence for Intelligent DesignSignature in the Cell: DNA and the Evidence for Intelligent DesignSignature in the Cell: DNA and the Evidence for Intelligent Design

      • Geology by Design by Carl Froede Jr., Flood by Design by Mike Oard, Universe by Design by Dr. Danny Faulkner (Master Books) ~ Information-packed volumes which back up the science of Creationism.
      • Creation and Evolution by Jay Seegert ~ A look at the evidence and arguments of the theories of creation, evolution, theistic evolution and intelligent design.
      • Not a Chance by Dr. RC Sproul and Dr. Keith Mathison ~ A look at the logic behind the theory of evolution.
      • The Darwin Effect by Jerry Bergman (Master Books) ~ This is a serious book about the historical outcome of Darwin’s evolutionary theory.
      • Signature in the Cell: DNA and the Evidence for Intelligent Design by Stephen Myer (HarperCollins Books) ~ This isn’t a look at Creationism. It’s a scientific examination of DNA. Could DNA possibly occur by chance? Is there really evidence of a design?

Bible Resources for Your Kids

Bible Road Trip™ CurriculumLearn More HereStarter BundleLearn More HereHelp Your Kids Learn and Love the BibleLearn More HereBible Investigators | Puzzle-Based Bible StudyLearn More HereBible Road Trip™ Memory Verse CardsLearn More HereBible Road Trip™ Notebooking JournalsLearn More Here

Puzzle-Based Independent Bible Study for Kids!

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” – Romans 12:2, ESV


Bible Investigators | Bible Puzzles for Kids
Good Bible Investigators:

    • Observe: They pay attention to what they’re reading.
    • Interpret: They figure out what the Bible means in that section.
    • Apply: They decide how the truth of God’s Word impacts their life today.

There are a great many truths in life to be found—some interesting, some boring, and some that really matter. You can be the kind of investigator who spends time puzzling out important truth so that you can know all the knowable knowledge that God has given us. That’s right. God, the Creator of the Universe, gave you a great big letter from him to explore and study so that you can discover the truths that really matter to your life!”

Bible Investigators: Creation, (The Good Book Company, 2024), page 7

The Bible Investigators: Creation Bible study for kids, written by Danika Cooley and published by The Good Book Company, is 272-pages of learning, puzzles, and fun activities designed to help your kids become amazing independent Bible investigators–observing, interpreting, and applying God’s Word as they learn what the Bible teaches on a particular subject.

Bible Puzzles for Kids

Middle grade kids, aged 8-12, love puzzles. After all, their brains are just built for figuring things out and memorizing facts. Puzzles are a wonderful way to help kids develop logic skills and retain important information. And, the book is written in a fun, conversational tone your children are sure to love!

What types of puzzles and activities will you find in Bible Investigators?

    • Word Searches
    • Crosswords
    • Rebus Puzzles
    • Dot-to-Dots
    • Logic Puzzles
    • Missing Letter Puzzles
    • Cryptograms
    • Word Sudoku
    • Mazes
    • How-to-Draw Pages
    • Matching Pairs
    • Word Scrambles
    • Journal Pages

Every child is sure to find activities they’ll love!

Elementary-aged kids need hands-on middle grade resources that engage them and equip them to process important truths. 

Bible Investigators is the perfect resource to teach your kids about an important biblical doctrine, while helping them apply God’s Word to their lives today.

Bible Investigators | Bible Puzzles for Kids

Books Make Great Gifts!

Help Your Kids Learn and Love the BibleHelp Your Kids Learn and Love the BibleBible Investigators: Creation: Puzzles and Activities for Independent Learning (Christian Homeschool lesson resource/ workbook for 8-12s, morning basket, middle grade)Bible Investigators: Creation: Puzzles and Activities for Independent Learning (Christian Homeschool lesson resource/ workbook for 8-12s, morning basket, middle grade)When Lightning Struck!: The Story of Martin LutherWhen Lightning Struck!: The Story of Martin LutherWonderfully Made: God's Story of Life from Conception to BirthWonderfully Made: God's Story of Life from Conception to BirthWho was Moses? (Who, What, Why)Who was Moses? (Who, What, Why)What Was the Tabernacle?What Was the Tabernacle?Why Did the Exodus Happen? (Who, What, Why)Why Did the Exodus Happen? (Who, What, Why)Who was Martin Luther? (Who What Why)Who was Martin Luther? (Who What Why)Who Were the Abolitionists? (Who What Why)Who Were the Abolitionists? (Who What Why)What was the Gutenberg Bible? (Who What Why)What was the Gutenberg Bible? (Who What Why)What Was the Underground Railroad? (Who, What, Why)What Was the Underground Railroad? (Who, What, Why)Why did the Reformation Happen? (Who, What, Why?)Why did the Reformation Happen? (Who, What, Why?)Why Did Slavery End? (Who, What, Why)Why Did Slavery End? (Who, What, Why)

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Creation Science Books for Teens

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