Looking for Martin Luther and the Reformation resources for your family? Check out this treasure trove of resources for Reformation Day!

Martin Luther & the Reformation Resources for Your Family
Reformation Day is a day of celebration for Christians who hold to the truth that we are saved by grace alone through faith alone. October 31st 2017 marked the 500th anniversary of the day Martin Luther nailed his Ninety-Five Theses to the door of the Wittenberg Church to protest the Roman Catholic Church’s abusive practice of selling indulgences–credits toward salvation, or a reduction of time in Purgatory. In the case of that providential day, Luther was confronted with plenary indulgences–the corrupt and false sale of salvation itself.

I have an amazing list of fabulous Reformation resources for you.

But first, enjoy this excerpt from my novel for middle and high school students, When Lightning Struck!: The Story of Martin Luther.

When Lightning Struck!: The Story of Martin Luther for your teens.

When Lightning Struck!

Martin strode along College Street on his way back to the Black Cloister following his last lecture for the afternoon, the crisp fall air grazing his naked scalp. In the morning it would be exactly one year since Martin had first preached against indulgences. In the last year, he had preached on the subject a total of three times. It seemed to Martin that the more he spoke about indulgences, the stronger his feelings of disdain and disgust grew. Ahead, a large group of Martin’s congregants moved toward him from the direction of the Elster Gate.

That’s odd, thought Martin. There are rich and poor, young and old—all walking together. Perhaps they are celebrating All Hallow’s Eve in some new manner?

“Doctor Luther!” A young boy ran forward waving a parchment scroll, clearly excited. Past the new college and the old, past houses lining the street, he ran toward Martin. Behind him trailed a group of boys and girls, all with the same ruddy features and tawny hair. “Look at my indulgence! Mother sent us to meet the pope’s monk in Jüterbog to buy an indulgence for Father now that he is in purgatory.”

“You walked all the way to Jüterbog?”

The boy’s older sister nodded. She shivered beneath her threadbare dress. “We left two days ago and we slept in the market square.” In spite of her shivering, the girl’s eyes lit up with the memory of her journey. “The town criers announced the coming of a monk—I think his name was Johann Tetzel—and then the trumpets started blowing.”

A small crowd of children surrounded Martin, Puffing from the run down the street to catch up with the siblings. “Doctor Luther, there were horsemen and drummers too!”

“And a big cross!” announced a small child. Martin frowned.

“There was a parade! A man dressed in fancy clothes carried a velvet pillow embroidered with gold, and on the pillow lay the pope’s bull—the pope signed it himself!”

A sturdy youth joined the group. “There were many people walking with flags and candles, and a giant chest, and the church bells were sounding.”

“Then came the monk Johann Tetzel. He had many guards.”

“He preached on a wooden platform.”

“I couldn’t see!”

Martin rubbed his tonsure in quick, jerky movements. His head was beginning to hurt. He could imagine the scene now with peasants and noblemen alike crowding and jostling to get a chance to purchase the forgiveness for a loved one’s sins, frantic for the opportunity to overcome years of torture in purgatory as payment for sins Christ’s death had already justified on the cross. He turned to the boy. “Tell me, child, how much did you spend?”

“We spent half a gulden.”

“Yes,” interrupted his sister again. “But some people spent much more. I saw one bishop pay twenty-five guldens.”

Martin fixed his nearly black eyes on the girl. “A bishop? He purchased an indulgence for a family member for that price?”

The young man guffawed. “Nein, Doctor Luther, the bishop bought the indulgence for himself. This indulgence is not like the others we’ve seen sold—this indulgence forgives all sins completely for the buyer.”

“What?” Martin grabbed the rolled parchment the young boy was clutching. Scanning the document, he began to mutter aloud. “We are saved by faith in Jesus Christ. We have faith only through grace—it is Jesus who saves.”

As he handed the indulgence back to the boy, a wealthy businessman walked past and waved a paper in Martin’s direction. “Doctor Luther! For six gulden, I have purchased my own salvation. You should not expect me in confession again.” The man laughed. “For as long as I have this paper, I am free from guilt!”

Martin’s head was spinning. He felt a sharp pain in his stomach as he called after the merchant. “Those souls which have believed this—that through indulgences a man is freed from all penalties—are being led in the paths of death!”1

“I have a paper that signed by the pope that says otherwise, Doctor!” With that, the man turned onto Mayor Street and was gone. The children ran off singing, “Once a coin in the coffer rings, the soul from purgatory springs!” They repeated it until Martin could no longer hear them.

Martin stood in the road as peasants, merchants, and knights streamed past him, the wind spinning the dirt from the road into little whirlwinds. He strained to hear above the general din surrounding him. From the direction of Jüterbog, he was certain he could hear the fiery cackle of his old enemy the dragon.

  1. Martin Luther, The Letters of Martin Luther, trans. Margaret A. Currie (London: Macmillan & Co., 1908), Letter XVI, to Albert of Mainz, October 31, 1517.

–Excerpted from When Lightning Struck!: The Story of Martin Luther by Danika Cooley (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2015), pp. 91-94.

The Protestant Reformation

The Protestant Reformation was a significant time in history–the events and people of the Reformation changed the course of the Church, of Western history, and of the world.

The Reformation was a response to embedded and worsening corruption in the Roman Catholic Church and a theology increasingly based on human tradition and leaders rather than on the truth of God’s Word alone.

That fight erupted uncontrollably across Europe, causing not only religious change, but social and political changes as well.

Who What Why Series WWW

Martin Luther and the Reformation

Teach your teens about Martin Luther and the Reformation in an exciting, new way with When Lightning Struck!: The Story of Martin Luther!

Martin Luther (1483-1546) is often referred to as “The Father of the Reformation”. Born during a time of superstition, tradition, and spiritual corruption, Luther gave up a lucrative career as a lawyer to become a monk in the Roman Catholic Church–a path he felt would certainly lead to salvation.

As Luther’s understanding of the spiritual corruption within the Church grew, and he despaired of true salvation, Luther (now a scholar and priest) sought the Bible for answers. Following his discovery of the true gospel in Scripture, Luther began to preach spiritual freedom to his congregation, and to teach biblical (rather than philosophical) theology at the University of Wittenberg.

It was on October 31, 1517 that Martin Luther penned his Ninety-Five Theses in Latin in response to the abusive indulgence sales practices of the monk Johann Tetzel in a nearby town. Luther nailed the Theses to the door of the Wittenberg Castle Church, the scholarly bulletin board of his day, and mailed a copy to the Archbishop of Mainz. Luther hoped to start a scholarly debate about the practice of selling salvation through plenary indulgences. The response he received was greater–and more dangerous–than he imagined it would be.

Luther’s story is exciting. There are death defying moments, epic spiritual battles, narrow escapes, a kidnapping, revolution, and war. As the “Father of the Reformation”, Luther is a vital figure in Church history. His sacrifice and willingness to wage battle against the spiritual, religious, and political powers of his medieval world allowed Christians throughout time to embrace the truth of salvation by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone as explained by Scripture alone once again. May all glory be to God alone!

Read portions of the first eight chapters of When Lightning Struck!:


Free Downloadable Reformation Resources

Looking for FREE Reformation Resources?
I want to remind you about three substantial free Christian history resources available to subscribers on Thinking Kids.

When Lightning Struck! The Story of Martin Luther Discussion Guide ~ This 34-page, full-color discussion guide includes questions, timeline dates and a 4-page timeline, short biographies of important figures, and relevant Scripture passages to consider and discuss. Families and youth groups can use the discussion guide with children in grades 4-12.

Atlas of the European Reformations Study Guide ~ A 56-page study guide for Tim Dowley’s Atlas of the European Reformations for grades 4-12. This study of the Protestant and Catholic Reformations includes: an overview of each section, discussion questions for each map, vocabulary, related literature by grade level, and Scripture to consider.

Reformation Lapbooks ~ Grab three lapbooks about Martin Luther, the Gutenberg Bible, and the Reformation. Using the Who What Why series, your kids will explore the impact of each person or event, Reformation vocabulary, important Reformation figures, vital geographical locations, and historic theology.

Who What Why Reformation Free Printable Lapbooks

Physical Reformation Resources

When Lightning Struck!: The Story of Martin LutherWhen Lightning Struck!: The Story of Martin Luther

1) When Lightning Struck!: The Story of Martin Luther by Danika Cooley  (Fortress Press)

Martin Luther’s life was too exciting not to be written for teens and younger readers! In this fast-paced, action-packed novel of Martin Luther’s life, teen readers (and more than a few adults!) will be introduced to a fascinating time when princes ruled Europe and knights roamed the countryside. They’ll learn about a time when powerful forces lined up against each other and believing the wrong thing could get you killed.

When Lightning Struck! is far more than just an adventure story, of course. It also tells a theological story. Drawing carefully from Luther’s own words, this book introduces readers to a kindred spirit who struggled with what knowing God through Scripture means for daily life. They will understand what was at stake and how powerfully liberating Luther’s idea of grace through faith was—in his time and in ours!

In crisp, enjoyable prose, author Danika Cooley conveys both the drama and the meaning of the Reformation for younger readers like no one before her!

Who was Martin Luther? (Who What Why)Who was Martin Luther? (Who What Why)What was the Gutenberg Bible? (Who What Why)What was the Gutenberg Bible? (Who What Why)Why did the Reformation Happen? (Who What Why)Why did the Reformation Happen? (Who What Why)

2) Who What Why Series | Reformation (Christian Focus Publications)

The Reformation was an important time in both the history of the Christian Church, and in global history.

God used his Word, new technology, and faithful believers to bring people to the truth of Scripture. We are saved by grace through faith in Christ alone. Scripture alone is our authority–not the word of councils or popes. We live our lives and do all things to the glory of God alone.

Teach your 8-11 year old kids about the Reformation Church with fun narrative and important biblical truth through the Who What Why series from Danika Cooley and Christian Focus Publications with three Reformation books:

  • Who Was Martin Luther?
  • What Was the Gutenberg Bible?
  • Why Did the Reformation Happen?

Reformation Family Book Bundle
Your kids will love the Who What Why Reformation series with illustrated narratives for 8-11 year olds.
And, Martin Luther’s young adult historical fiction story makes the perfect family read aloud!
Grab the autographed Reformation Family Bundle!

Men of Iron Gift Package from Raising Real Men

3) Men of Iron Package ~ 6 CD Audiobook, Chain Mail Kit, and Poster (Raising Real Men)

* Men of Iron 6-CD Audiobook Set

Young Myles Falsworth had just one mission…
To restore the good name of his father and his family.
It would take all his strength.
All his courage.
All his determination.

Master storyteller Howard Pyle’s classic coming of age story draws listeners into the days of knights and damsels, of feudal lords and loyal retainers, and of reputation and honor. The historic language will prepare listeners to enjoy classic literature while the rollicking tale keeps them asking for more.

Howard Pyle, the author and artist, lived from 1853 to 1911 and was not only one of America’s most beloved authors, but was also known as the “Father of American Illustration.” His works have become iconic in American culture. The cover art of our audiobook is a painting by Howard Pyle called The Coming of Lancaster.

* Men of Iron Poster

Inspire your young knight to become one of the Men of Iron with Hearts of Gold with this breathtakingly beautiful poster on high quality stock.

Graphic Shakespeare from Timberdoodle

4) Graphic Shakespeare (Timberdoodle) 

On the fence over the need to study Shakespeare? Shakespeare’s plays are pictures of humanity both at its very worst as well as its very best, delving into issues of romance, deceit, tragedy, and revenge. And then there is the language – difficult for an adult to understand, let alone a child. But Shakespeare is a literary icon; references to his works are everywhere, from advertising to sermons, and we do our children a disservice if we ignore his impact.

Graphic Shakespeare is the easier, sanitized way to expose your child to 4 of Shakespeare’s greatest tragedies, and 1 of his most popular comedies. Full-color artwork brings the scenes to life while speech bubbles present key excerpts from Shakespeare’s original dialogue. Of utmost help is that Graphic Shakespeare adds captions in modern English to make the stories easier to follow, plus a glossary at the foot of each page helps with any challenging vocabulary.

If you have a child who groans at the thought of reading Shakespeare, you may find a whole different attitude when you present your child with these graphic versions of Shakespeare’s works. While these plays are condensed, Graphic Shakespeare has retained enough key phrases and quotations from the originals that your child will have more than a nodding acquaintance with each celebrated play. The five plays include: Hamlet, Macbeth, Julius Caesar, Romeo and Juliet, and A Midsummer Night’s Dream.

The Mystery of History Year Three

5) The Mystery of History Volume III MP3 Audiobooks with Music: The Renaissance, Reformation, and Growth of Nations

Bring The Mystery of History to life!  Through these downloadable MP3 files, you can listen to The Mystery of History Volume III “The Renaissance, Reformation, and Growth of Nations” through the voice of the author, Linda Lacour Hobar. With the addition of soft thematic music, you’ll feel as if you’re traveling through time. In the car, over lunch, before bed, or as an integral part of your school day – there are endless ways for all ages to benefit from this listening library of world history.

The Mystery of History Volume III offers a deep and meaningful study of world history from the viewpoint of a Christian author. Spanning the Renaissance, the Reformation, world exploration, and some early American history, this exciting volume explores the backdrop to and significance of time-honored contributions found in art, music, literature, science, and philosophy of this rich era from 1455 to 1707. Students will be introduced to famous characters and world changers such as Ivan the Great, Henry VIII, Jeanne D’Albret, Francis Bacon, Pocahontas, Galileo, K’ang-hsi, and many more. Though the reading level of this text is suitable for the average 7th-8th grader, this volume can serve as a Renaissance/Reformation study for any age with modification (and some screening for Younger Students.)


6) A Child’s Geography: Explore Medieval Kingdoms and What Really Happened During the Middle Ages? (Knowledge Quest)

Now you can travel to far-off lands with your children as the long-awaited volume 4 is here!

While this series is primarily geared toward 1-6 graders, this volume works well with middle school students too.

In the lively style introduced to us by Ann Voskamp, A Child’s Geography: Explore Medieval Kingdoms will take you and your fledgling geographers on an amazing adventure through our Father’s world.

Imagine walking in the footsteps of great leaders and influencers of the medieval world… Charlemagne, Ferdinand and Isabella, Joan of Arc, Johannes Gutenberg, Martin Luther… Read their stories and live the adventure of sending explorers out into uncharted seas, the excitement of inventing the printing press, and the anxiety of starting a religious firestorm. As we explore Medieval Kingdoms, you and your family will delight in breathtaking landscapes, hidden wonders, and beautiful people – all created in God’s image.



7) Da Vinci Picture Study Portfolio (Simply Charlotte Mason)

Everything you need to do art appreciation, all gathered into one beautiful package: gorgeous art prints, an artist biography, information on the pictures, and more! This portfolio covers the life of Leonardo da Vinci. Simply Charlotte Mason has an ever-growing selection of artists. (Grades 1–12)


8) Renaissance, Reformation, and Age of Exploration (TruthQuest History)

Renaissance/Reformation/Exploration (1400-1600)

  • Your children must understand the deep issues of this time period! It was such a crossroad! They will see two different responses develop to the spiritual emptiness of the late Middle Ages–an emptiness quite like that of our own age, so we can learn much.
  • It was good for the people to seek truth, but where did they turn? Themselves? God?
  • How did the ‘searchings’ of the great artists, scientists, mathematicians, architects, businessmen, writers, philosophers, rulers, and explorers affect their awesome achievements?
  • This truth quest, and the decisions made in response, determined the future of many nations–those that were on their way to cataclysm and those headed for greater freedom.
  • The issues are not Catholic vs. Protestant, as TruthQuest History explains, so people of both faiths can feel safe using this guide.
  • Ideally for Grades 5-12, but younger siblings can participate. Includes book recommendations for all ages, where available.



9) Famous Figures of Medieval Times and Famous Figures of the Renaissance (Figures in Motion)

Do you have a child that loves history and needs meaningful hands-on activities? Do you need a way to motivate a reluctant learner to discover the wonder of history?

Engage your child with articulated paper figures of the great men and women of history. Unlike paper dolls, these figures move! They are easy to assemble and are designed to supplement any history curriculum or stand alone with biographies.

Color, cut, and assemble using the Famous Figures series of activity books! Then, act out the stories of history or tell about the past with your historical creations. Makes learning history fun and memorable for your child!


10) God’s Hand in History: Renaissance and Reformation CD Lapbook Curriculum (Finding Christ Books)

Learn about the Renaissance and the Reformers of the Church!

Examine how God intervenes in people’s lives to bring  about change in their hearts and in the hearts of the  people around them.

Carol Robb teaches you about people and events of the Renaissance and the Reformation using games and projects that will become 2  fabulous Lapbooks to be used over and over again.

* Renaissance:

Wycliffe and Huss Game
Art & the Renaissance
Johann Gutenberg and the Printing Press
Explorers’ Travels
Explorers Sliding Puzzle Game
Double Trouble Game

* Reformation:

Timeline for the Reformation
Kings and Queens of England and Scotland
Jeopardy-style Game on the King and Queens
Famous People of the Reformation Game
Martin Luther’s 95 Theses Game
God Works Through People to Bring About Change

These  Lapbook CD’s can be used as a supplement to any history curriculum. All directions, Masters, and project information  (Student & Teacher Manuals) are ready to be printed out from the included CD’s.


11) King Alfred’s English: A History of the Language We Speak and Why We Should Be Glad We Do by Laurie J. White (The Shorter Word)

King Alfred’s English is a unique approach to the history of England, English, the Middle Ages, and also the English Bible. Full of humor and insights that both surprise and enlighten, the book provides a guided tour of kings, conquerors, poets and scholars who have shaped, simplified, matured, and expanded English into what it is today—the first truly global language in history.

The capstone of the book is the story of how we got the Bible in English and its influence upon our language.

  • What were the driving ideas behind the Reformation?
  • Are the New Testament documents really reliable and how do they compare to other ancient manuscripts?
  • Why was translating the Bible into English punishable by death?
  • …and what does all THAT have to do with the history of English?

12) The Five Solas Family Bible Study: Sound Theology for Today

The 5 Solas | A 7-Day Family Bible Study

The Five Solas
The Five Solas are slogans that were popularized by the Reformers during the reformation of the Church (1350-1648). These slogans are based on biblical truths and sound doctrine. Knowing and understanding the Five Solas is important for your children–it will help read and apply Scripture to their lives.
The Five Solas: Signs to Follow on the Narrow Path Family Bible Study
This family Bible study will help you explore Scripture in an engaging manner with seven days of family study. Each day includes:
  • An overview of a Sola or Scriptural concept
  • A Bible passage to study with discussion questions
  • Additional passages to read to better understand the intent of each Sola
  • A structured notebooking page to encourage independent thinking and writing skills
  • A family activity to creatively cement your child’s learning
  • A memorable craft  encourage creative expression and further your child’s understanding
  • Bonus coloring pages for older children and a printable card set for memory games

Seven Days of Study

Your family will study the Five Solas together for seven days. Need more time to explore? You can always extend each day’s study to several days or even a week!

  • Day One: Lost in the Woods: How the Solas came to be and what Sola means
  • Day Two: Sound Doctrine
  • Day Three: Sola Scriptura
  • Day Four: Sola Fide
  • Day Five: Sola Gratia
  • Day Six: Solus Christus
  • Day Seven: Soli Deo Gloria

Additional Activity Pages

You’ll find fabulous additional printable activities in your The 5 Solas family Bible study.

    • Printable Cards to be used as flash cards, memory cards, or a matching game
    • Seven coloring pages for older kids and adults

The 5 Solas: Signs to Follow on the Narrow Path is available now! Get your copy today.

Who What Why | Abolition | Free Printable Lapbooks

Learn more about the Who What Why series and get your FREE Abolition Lapbooks here.

Bible Resources for Your Kids

Bible Road Trip™ CurriculumLearn More HereStarter BundleLearn More HereHelp Your Kids Learn and Love the BibleLearn More HereBible Investigators | Puzzle-Based Bible StudyLearn More HereBible Road Trip™ Memory Verse CardsLearn More HereBible Road Trip™ Notebooking JournalsLearn More Here

Martin Luther and the Reformation

Teach your teens about Martin Luther and the Reformation in an exciting, new way with When Lightning Struck!: The Story of Martin Luther! The book also makes a wonderful family read-aloud.

Martin Luther (1483-1546) is often referred to as “The Father of the Reformation”. Born during a time of superstition, tradition, and spiritual corruption, Luther gave up a lucrative career as a lawyer to become a monk in the Roman Catholic Church–a path he felt would certainly lead to salvation.

As Luther’s understanding of the spiritual corruption within the Church grew, and he despaired of true salvation, Luther (now a scholar and priest) sought the Bible for answers. Following his discovery of the true gospel in Scripture, Luther began to preach spiritual freedom to his congregation, and to teach biblical (rather than philosophical) theology at the University of Wittenberg.

It was on October 31, 1517 that Martin Luther penned his Ninety-Five Theses in Latin in response to the abusive indulgence sales practices of the monk Johann Tetzel in a nearby town. Luther nailed the Theses to the door of the Wittenberg Castle Church, the scholarly bulletin board of his day, and mailed a copy to the Archbishop of Mainz. Luther hoped to start a scholarly debate about the practice of selling salvation through plenary indulgences. The response he received was greater–and more dangerous–than he imagined it would be.

Luther’s story is exciting. There are death defying moments, epic spiritual battles, narrow escapes, a kidnapping, revolution, and war. As the “Father of the Reformation”, Luther is a vital figure in Church history. His sacrifice and willingness to wage battle against the spiritual, religious, and political powers of his medieval world allowed Christians throughout time to embrace the truth of salvation by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone as explained by Scripture alone once again. May all glory be to God alone!

Read portions of the first eight chapters of When Lightning Struck!:

When Lightning Struck! is available in both a 264-page hardcover and an ebook format. There’s more than one way to order!

Thinking Kids Press: When Lightning Struck!: The Story of Martin Luther

Amazon – Hardcover & Kindle Editions: When Lightning Struck!: The Story of Martin Luther

Christian Book: When Lightning Struck!: The Story of Martin Luther

Reformation Family Book Bundle
Your kids will love the Who What Why Reformation series with illustrated narratives for 8-11 year olds.
And, Martin Luther’s young adult historical fiction story makes the perfect family read aloud!
Grab the autographed Reformation Family Bundle!

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Martin Luther & the Reformation Resources for Your Family

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