Teach your children about the days of Creation with this unique Creation story for kids. Creation Sings is a beautiful picture book.

The Creation Story for Kids

The story of the days of Creation from Genesis is a popular theme. After all, we want our kids to know the Bible’s Creation story, right? I prefer the term Creation account, as the word story is often used for fiction and myths, but we know the biblical account is history.

The Creation Story for Kids

I taught Sunday School to four year olds for a number of years in a fairly large church, so each Sunday we’d have several new children. No matter what the story was that week, I’d first present the Gospel to the children, and I’d start with the Creation story for the kids. It was astounding to me how many children had never heard the truth that they were created by God.

That’s one of the reasons I wrote Wonderfully Made: God’s Story of Life from Conception to Birth. The idea that the King of Heaven and Earth made all things, including you and your children, is central to the biblical narrative. It’s a fact children need to know and understand fully. It’s also the reason the Creation story for kids is never a tired theme.

Wonderfully Made by Danika Cooley

Creation Sings: How God’s Work Declares God’s Truth by Carine MacKenzie

Carine MacKenzie’s new book, Creation Sings: How God’s Work Declares God’s Truth (Christian Focus Publications, 2016), is a unique story of the days of Creation for children ages 5-11 years. Carine MacKenzie (who is the mother of another favorite children’s author, Catherine MacKenzie) has written more than 150 children’s books.

In Creation Sings, Mrs. MacKenzie doesn’t just tell the story of each day of Creation. Rather, she begins each day with the biblical account either paraphrased or quoted from the ESV. She then weaves in another story from the Bible that relates to the day of Creation, and uses that story to then relate a story and truth about Jesus. It’s a marvelous and creative bit of story-telling. Each section ends with “Creation Sings”, a verse glorifying the Creator of all Heaven and Earth.

There are ten sections (or mini-chapters) in this 64-page book. Day 6 of Creation is divided into animals and humanity. Chapters 9 and 10 cover the day of rest and salvation.

Creation Sings: A Unique Story of the Days of Creation for 5-11 Year Olds

Who What Why Series | Christian Biographies for Kids

What I Loved About Creation Sings

I love that Creation Sings presents the Creation story for kids, but it doesn’t stop there. The book ties in other stories from the Biblical narrative, as well as truth about the Lord Jesus Christ and salvation. This book is a fabulous presentation of the gospel story. It’s a meaty, worthwhile read at 64 pages, and it’s conveniently divided into ten perfectly-sized nighttime sections.

The illustrations in Creation Sings by Ana Afonso are beautiful. Not only will her multi-media colored pencil and computer graphics draw children in, they are bright and cheerful for parents as well.

Creation Sings: How God's Work Declares God's TruthCreation Sings: How God’s Work Declares God’s TruthCreation Sings: How God's Work Declares God's Truth

You can purchase Creation Sings at

Amazon: Creation Sings
Christian Book: Creation Sings

Creation in the Bible Family Bible Study Bundle
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Bible Resources for Your Kids

Bible Road Trip™ CurriculumLearn More HereStarter BundleLearn More HereHelp Your Kids Learn and Love the BibleLearn More HereBible Investigators | Puzzle-Based Bible StudyLearn More HereBible Road Trip™ Memory Verse CardsLearn More HereBible Road Trip™ Notebooking JournalsLearn More Here

A Resource to Help Teach Kids About Life in the Womb

Wonderfully Made: God's Story of Life from Conception to BirthWonderfully Made: God’s Story of Life from Conception to BirthWonderfully Made: God's Story of Life from Conception to Birth

Your kids will love learning about life inside the womb with Wonderfully Made: God’s Story of Life from Conception to Birth, published by Christian Focus 4 Kids.

Wonderfully Made is a science- and Scripture-filled picture book for kids ages 5-11. The book is told from the perspective of a mother telling her child about his or her development in the womb week-by-week. In fact, Wonderfully Made is written to help parents meet the theological, scientific, and relational purposes of teaching kids about life in the womb.

Wonderfully Made: God's Story of Life from Conception of Birth is a lovely story of life for kids from ages 5-11, told from the perspective of a mom with science and Scripture.

You can also learn more about Wonderfully Made over at the book page.

Head over to the Thinking Kids Press store for your free Wonderfully Made posters, Bible memory verse cards, and lapbook!
They’re a great companion to the book Wonderfully Made, and the perfect way to teach your kids about life in the womb!

You can purchase Wonderfully Made now:

Autographed from Danika Cooley: Wonderfully Made: God’s story of life from conception to birth
Amazon: Wonderfully Made: God’s story of life from conception to birth
Amazon UK: Wonderfully Made: God’s Story of Life from Conception to Birth
Christian Book: Wonderfully Made: God’s story of life from conception to birth

WM PRC Bundle

Grab a Pregnancy Resource / Gift Bundle of 10 or 15 copies and save!

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The Creation Story for Kids

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