The Bible for Kids
You want your kids to learn and love the Bible.
You want to teach the Bible…
As parents, we deeply desire the best for our kids. We look for the right schools, we make them eat right and exercise, and we get them involved in extracurricular activities. We take our job as parents seriously.
But are we also putting our time and energy into teaching them the Bible? Giving them the life-changing, soul-nourishing words of Scripture is not only doable, it’s an essential part of parenting kids for Jesus. And the good news is, studying God’s Word as a family doesn’t have to be difficult!
2 Timothy 2:15, ESV, says:
Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved,
a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.
Our job, as parents who love Jesus, is to help our kids become approved workers, unashamed and rightly handling the word of truth.
The good news? Teaching the Bible isn’t hard. Your family can learn the Bible together.
…and you can!
A Crash Course in Teaching the Bible to Your Kids
Danika Cooley’s book, Help Your Kids Learn and Love the Bible, will give you the tools and confidence to study the Bible as a family. It will help you identify and overcome your objections and fears, give you a crash course in what the Bible is all about and how to teach it, and provide the guidance you need to set up a family Bible study habit.
You will finish this book feeling encouraged and empowered to initiate and strengthen your child’s relationship with the Lord through His Word.
Help Your Kids Learn and Love the Bible will equip you with everything you need to know to teach the Bible to your kids!
Help Your Kids Learn and Love the Bible | Purchase Here
“Danika Cooley has a heart for seeing the next generation truly know and embrace God’s Word.” – Jim Daly, President, Focus on the Family
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Help Your Kids Learn and Love the Bible
by Danika Cooley
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About the Bible for Kids
You’ll learn:
- How to overcome major concerns about teaching the Bible to your kids.
- To successfully develop a consistent family Bible reading habit and plan.
- How to interpret and apply the Bible rightly.
- Skills for hosting meaningful Bible discussions with your kids.
- To be prepared to answer tough questions.
- Age-appropriate ways to share the gospel.
- To prepare for tough and busy days with unique ways to focus on Scripture.
- Tips and tricks for making the Bible fun and engaging.
- Tools for Bible memorization.
- To structure Bible activities and discussions to your child’s God-given strengths.
Packed with useful information and with practical application in each chapter, Help Your Kids Learn and Love the Bible is the tool you need to equip you to join a generation of parents committed to teaching their kids God’s life-giving Word.
Read an Excerpt of Help Your Kids Learn and Love the Bible
Bethany House, a division of Baker Publishing Group, has generously made available to you an excerpt of both the introduction and the first chapter of Help Your Kids Learn and Love the Bible — just click the link below!
Introduction: You Can Help Your Kids Learn and Love the Bible and Chapter One: Making the Bible Approachable for Your Kids
Ways to bless the parents at your church with Help Your Kids Learn and Love the Bible
Churches are already using Help Your Kids Learn and Love the Bible to equip parents to disciple their kids. I’ve received emails from pastors, pastors’ wives, and kidmin leaders, sharing ways they’ve shared the book with their congregation.
Congregations have chosen to give copies of Help Your Kids Learn and Love the Bible to parents:
- As Christmas gifts.
- In Sunday School take-home bags.
- At baptisms and dedications.
- For kindergarten graduation.
- On the resource table in the church foyer.
- For Mother’s Day.
The gift of family discipleship is one that will last for generations!
Want to help your pastor, elder’s board, or kidmin leader understand your desire to equip the parents in your church for effective family discipleship?
Grab this free, downloadable letter in the Thinking Kids Press store.
Help Your Kids Learn and Love the Bible | Endorsements and Reviews
“Every Christian parent wants to raise biblically literate children. Of course, that begs the question: In this day and age, how can we raise kids who are passionate about scriptural truth? Danika Cooley has a heart for seeing the next generation truly know and embrace God’s Word–and her new book shows parents exactly how to achieve that crucial goal.”
Jim Daly, president, Focus on the Family
“The greatest gift you can give to your child to increase mental and emotional health is spiritual training. In this book, Danika shows you how!”
Dr. Scott Turansky, speaker, author, cofounder of the National Center for Biblical Parenting
Sally Burke, president, Moms in Prayer International
“Teaching our children the Bible is one of the most important things we can do. But with all the busyness of life, it can be easy to get overwhelmed or struggle with making it a regular part of our family routines. Help Your Kids Learn and Love the Bible is the resource parents need to help them confidently and faithfully teach their children God’s Word. Danika’s practical tools and suggestions equip parents to make regular Bible study a natural part of their family life. It’s exactly the book I wish existed when we first started our parenting journey!”
Tauna Meyer, author, Sound Words for Kids: Lessons in Theology; owner, Proverbial Homemaker
“Inspiring! Even before I had finished the book, I took up Danika’s call to START TODAY and read systematically through the Bible with my children. I have no other mission as a mother but to teach my children God’s Word and point them to Christ’s saving grace over and over again.”
Amy Roberts, author, speaker, and blogger at
“Do family devotions make you feel guilty? Inadequate? Struggling with busyness, illness, or children of many ages? Danika Cooley has, too! Help Your Kids Learn and Love the Bible is a warmhearted blend of challenge and encouragement that will guide you—and help you love the Word more, too!”
Hal & Melanie Young, award-winning authors, Raising Real Men and No Longer Little
“If you are a parent with more questions than answers about studying the Bible with your kids, this book may be the answer to your prayers. Danika Cooley combines stories from personal experience and biblical passages to give parents creative and practical suggestions on how to have regular and meaningful Bible study as a family. Cooley wants to make this the ‘Generation of the Bible,’ and Help Your Kids Learn and Love the Bible may do this!”
William H. Marty, former professor of Bible at Moody Bible Institute, author of The Whole Bible Story
“Raising children who love the Scriptures doesn’t happen on its own. Help Your Kids Learn and Love the Bible provides experienced wisdom in not only preparing yourself to pass on a love for God’s Word, but also preparing your children to be receptive. This is a book you can’t afford to miss as Christian parents!”
Israel and Brook Wayne, parents of 11; co-founders of Family Renewal, LLC; authors and speakers
Help Your Kids Learn and Love the Bible
by Danika Cooley
Media for Help Your Kids Learn and Love the Bible
- Check out my conversation with Clayton Kraby of Reasonable Theology at the site, watch it on You Tube, or listen on the podcast.
Check out the video of my discussion about helping your children fall in love with God’s Word — or listen to our discussion on the podcast.
Reviews of Help Your Kids Learn and Love the Bible
“One of my favorite things about this book is its authenticity. It is clear from page 1 that Danika is an actual homeschool mom who has actually raised her kids to love God and want to study the Bible. This isn’t a church scholar telling parents that they should read the Bible with their kids. It is a real mom telling parents how to make it work- even when the calendar is full, the baby is crying, and the kids are asking the hard questions.” – Sarah Miller, Homeschooling 4 Him
“Sometimes we feel like we need a “teacher’s manual” to help us know where to begin. The mere thought of reading and studying the Bible with our kids can feel overwhelming and daunting. That’s where Danika Cooley’s book, Help Your Kids Learn & Love the Bible, comes in and helps us make the connection. It reads like the teacher’s manual we all long for, but in a fun and engaging way.” – Danielle Papageorgiou, Lifeschooling Conference
“Do you want your kids to love the Bible? Are you concerned about your ability to teach it to them? Then you should pick up a copy of Danika Cooley’s book Help Your Kids Learn & Love the Bible from Bethany House Publishers.” – Wendy, Ladybug Daydreams
“I love the great tips found in this book! We all learn differently and Danika explains how to get through to kids with different types of learning materials. By using art projects, snacks, acting out scenes, or other activities, kids will not only have a fun experience but a memorable one as well.” – Amy, Healthy Happy Farm
“The charge to introduce our children to Jesus and immerse them in His Word is always important, but with biblical literacy plummeting in the American church and the culture becoming increasingly hostile to our faith it feels more important now than ever before to ground then in the Truth. While our churches play an important role, the bulk of discipleship takes place in the home as we live life. That’s why I’m so excited about Danika Cooley’s new book. She provides a beautiful look at HOW to lead your children in learning to love and know the Bible! She discusses ages and stages and how to draw both our littlest ones into the Word of God as well as what it looks like to challenge our teens to chew on the meat of the word rather than rely solely on milk. I’m thankful for the fresh reminder and inspiration to focus on what matters most!” – Heather Haupt,, author of Knights in Training
“Help Your Kids Learn and Love the Bible from Bethany House Publishers is a valuable tool to equip parents to live your life like our Master did and to teach our kids to do the same. It is our job to teach Biblical truth to our kids and not just hoping the few hours at church they spend will prepare them to dig into the Bible and love it.” – Renee, Little Homeschool on the Prairie
“Need some help and encouragement teaching your kids about scripture? This book is for you! Help Your Kids Learn and Love the Bible from Bethany House Publishers by Danika Cooley has many inspiring thoughts and ideas to help you get back to teaching your kids (even teens) the Bible.” – Desiree, Our Homeschool Notebook
“It was written with practical advice to guide and encourage parents in studying the Bible together as a family, but Help Your Kids Learn & Love the Bible is full of personal application, too. Danika shares tips on developing Bible reading habits and plans, engaging in meaningful conversations about passages that have been read, tools for memorization, how to get into the Word when your days are extraordinarily busy, and much more. This book is not a commentary on the Scriptures, but a helpful resource in learning how to study God’s Word intentionally.” – Jacinda Vandenberg, Northern Nester
“I have good news for you, family discipleship does not have to be that complicated anymore. My friend Danika wrote an awesome book on child discipleship every parent should read. I’d recommend you give it to parents in your Sunday School class.” – Ticia Messing, Adventures in Mommydom
“Do you have a child that is a mover? Or one that is an auditory learner? Maybe music is your child’s learning language. This is probably one of my favorite parts of the book. Danika shares ways to teach the Bible using the different learning methods of children.” – Yvonne Billian, The Life We Build
“The “Help Your Kids Learn and Love the Bible” begins with a healthy respect for the text and challenges the reader to first unpack their own feelings about their beliefs and how they would like to pass that knowledge on to their children. As a Christian with a highly educated worldview, I would like my son to both understand his spirituality and in the long run be able to defend and speak intelligently about his beliefs. Danika Cooley gives you gently guided baby steps to unravel all of that impossibility complicated text for a younger audience. This book is a self-help guide for you – not your children.” – Mama’s Sweet Baby
“You want to be more intentional about teaching scripture to your kids, but you don’t really have a clear path on how to go about it day by day? Help Your Kids Learn and Love the Bible will help!” – Richie Soares, Homeschool and Humor
“Danika Cooley writes in a conversational and honest way about Christian parenthood and finding our way as we raise our kids. I appreciate her insights and her vulnerability about her own experiences. …As a homeschool mom, she understands what it’s like to teach your kids — and not just the Bible. She references learning styles and different techniques to be sure that you reach your kids on their own unique ground.” – Sara Jordan, Heart and Soul Homeschooling
Bible Study Tools for Kids | FREE Bible Study Resources to Help Your Kids Love the Bible
- The Truth about the Bible Banner
- You love the Lord–and you want your kids to love him, too. Where will your kids meet Jesus? In his Word! You also want your kids to know what the Bible says about itself, right? Scripture testifies to the truth about the Bible. In fact, through God’s Word your kids can learn at least 24 truths about the Bible!
- The Truth about the Bible Banner
- Facts about the Bible | I Am Generation Bible Lapbook
- Your family is embarking on an important and worthwhile journey through the whole Word of God. With the I am Generation Bible lapbook, you’ll have a fun, hands-on way to share some of the important truths you’ve learned in Help Your Kids Learn and Love the Bible about how to rightly handle the Word of Truth (2 Timothy 2:15). Fun minibooks will help your kids become excited about learning and applying God’s Word as they understand how the Bible is structured and how we received the Scripture we have today.
- Facts about the Bible | I Am Generation Bible Lapbook
- Bible Reading Cheat Sheet
- In chapter 5 of Help Your Kids Learn and Love the Bible, I share the primary themes of the Bible and how to discuss Scripture with your kids in light of those themes, keeping the message of God’s Word in context. Pages 92-94 have a Bible reading cheat sheet project for you to work on with your kids. This is a fun template for your family to use to create their cheat sheet!
- Bible Reading Cheat Sheet
- Bible Character Stick Puppets
- In chapter 8 of Help Your Kids Learn and Love the Bible, we explore the benefits of creative narration. This fun Bible character stick puppet pack will be a project your kids can work on over a number of days. They’ll create Bible character (and biblical animal and scenery) puppets they can use to retell Bible stories. And, your kids can use the stick puppet templates to create as many puppets as they’d like!
- Bible Character Stick Puppets
- Bible Comic Book Pages
- Bible comic book illustration is another tool for creative narration, as discussed in chapter 8 of Help Your Kids Learn and Love the Bible. Sixteen fun Bible comic book layouts will give your kids a ready-made palette to illustrate their retold Bible stories. Not only will this help children think through what they’ve learned, they’ll remember your family’s Bible reading through the time and effort they put into illustrating the story.
- Bible Comic Book Pages
- Bible Copywork
- In chapter 9 of Help Your Kids Learn and Love the Bible, I talk about the value of Scripture memory for your kids. The chapter is an in-depth exploration of ways kids learn, age-appropriate memorization ideas, and tips and tricks for memory work. One of the tools I discuss is Bible copywork. You want your kids to know what God says about his Word in the Bible, and with this fun Write, Color, and Memorize set, your kids will learn several important verses about Scripture.
- Bible Copywork
- Through the Bible Reading Chart
- As you read through the Bible with your kids, they’ll love keeping track of their journey with this fun map-in-a-folder.
- Through the Bible Reading Chart
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