Resurrection Day is one of my very favorite celebrations during the year. As a follower of Christ, it’s a time to remember that Jesus died willingly to atone for my sins. He took my punishment so that I can be forgiven, and he rose from the dead–triumphing over both death and sin.
I want my kids to remember these amazing truths. Those who love and confess Jesus as Lord and Savior will be raised from the dead to live again as he was.
I’ve put together a list of over 100 Easter activities for kids for you. You can pick and choose a few Easter activities to share with your children to celebrate the Resurrection. Don’t feel like you need to limit these activities just to the traditional time of celebration, either! We can celebrate Christ’s Resurrection all year long.
Planning Easter activities for your kids will help you move beyond the standard Easter basket and Easter gifts that make the holiday all about your kids. Gifts are wonderful (I love giving things to my kids), but the Resurrection is about Jesus. Take just a little time to create traditions that focus on the wonder of his sacrifice for us in a fun way.
“He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together. And he is the head of the body, the church. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything he might be preeminent.”
Colossians 1:15-18, ESV
Here are some reasons Bible activities are a GREAT tool to help you teach the Bible to your kids!
Easter Activities for Kids
1. Help your kids memorize 8 Bible verses about Resurrection with copywork and memory verse cards.
2. Let your kids anticipate Easter with 41 days of readings, coloring, and activities like decoding Bible verses, mazes, find-the-difference pictures, a story wheel, and crafts to make.
3. Read the Easter Story from the Bible. (Matthew 26-28, Mark 15-16, Luke 22-24, and John 17-20).
4. Create a beautiful He is Risen stained glass lantern.
5. Help your kids memorize 8 Bible verses about hope with copywork and memory verse cards.
6. Spend two weeks studying the Resurrection story with this beautiful Easter family devotional.
7. Help your kids memorize 8 Bible verses about forgiveness with copywork and memory verse cards.
8. Do this free Easter unit study on God’s Greatest Gift from Fearless Faithful Mom.
9. Read a picture book about the Easter story.
10. Start a tradition of a family Resurrection Day photo in front of your church. It will be fun to look back at.
11. Play a fun, printable game with your kids that allows them to sequence the Easter story from the Bible.
12. Read Jesus is Alive! as a family devotional.
13. Learn about Roman crucifixion as a family.
14. Encourage them to learn about the Resurrection story in a graphic novel format.
15. Help your kids memorize 8 Bible verses about faith with copywork and memory verse cards.
16. Teach your kids about Jesus’ atonement for their sin with this cute set of Jesus, Lamb of God Bible Memory Verse Cards!
17. Make a mini-Easter garden.
18. Bake a Salt Dough Tomb to tell the Easter Story.
19. Decorate your house for the Resurrection.
20. Make a Finger Paint Cross.
21. Make these fun Christian Easter cross rice crispy treats. You can download instructions and labels!
22. Go to church! Celebrate with your church family.
23. Create 8 Easter LEGO builds with step-by-step instructions.
24. Print and use this Easter advent calendar.
25. Sing “Christ the Lord is Risen Today” by Charles Wesley.
26. Create a Resurrection wreath that you and your kids can display year after year.
27. Make this cute Palm Sunday donkey.
28. Decorate with this He is Risen banner.
29. Use these Easter worksheets to work through the Easter story.
30. Read about the Easter story in a new way with your kids and teens.
31. Create panorama scenes from the Easter story in shoeboxes.
32. Bake Easter cookies for the neighbors. Or make these cute giftable sheep Oreos with printable verse gift tags.
33. Make a special breakfast. We had a breakfast burrito bar every year when I was growing up.
34. Make Easter ink prints.
35. Build a LEGO empty tomb model.
36. Create these Resurrection Eggs to tell the Easter story.
37. Decorate your entryway with palm branches drawn on construction paper (tape them to the wall, not the floor, for safety).
38. Talk about why people were so excited during Jesus’ triumphal entry.
39. Tell the Easter story with Bible craft stick puppets.
40. Make an Easter pop up scene with this free printable.
41. Work on these Easter Art Activities for Littles.
42. My mom used to turn off the lights on Good Friday and we’d live in the dark (with flashlights) until Easter Sunday.
43. Teach your kids the story of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ in a fun, hands-on way!
44. Study Passover and talk about what Jesus’ last meal must have been like, and why he was in Jerusalem.
45. Try making a Passover meal.
46. Use this 40 Day Printable Prayer Chain to focus on the Resurrection.
47. As a family, help the church with the Easter service. They’ll need it.
48. Make an Easter Cross Sun Catcher.
49. Work on learning Bible verses about faith, hope, forgiveness, and the Resurrection with four fun Write, Color, and Memorize sets!
50. Make and decorate an empty tomb out of a large cardboard box or pop up tent.
51. Play this printable Easter Story Trivia Game.
52. Make these fun Easter treats (several are Resurrection themed).
53. Play Bible Sequence as a family.
54. Write about why the Resurrection matters to you.
55. This air dry clay craft is a quick and easy project to learn about the empty tomb of Jesus.
56. Draw a picture of the Resurrection.
57. Paint a Sand Art Cross.
58. Color in these free Easter Stained Glass pages and bookmarks.
59. Check out this Easter Preschool Resurrection Learning Pack.
60. Spend 4-7 weeks and explore the stories of 20 different people and their role in the most important historical event of all time: The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ!
61. Make these adorable lamb cupcakes and talk about how Jesus is the Lamb of God.
62. Create these handmade Resurrection Easter cards to send to family.
63. Commit to praying for the salvation of unbelievers in your community as a family.
64. Make some Easter soaps (I’d make mine in the shape of a cross) and talk about how Jesus washes our sins away and makes us clean.
65. Make a fork tulip painting and talk about how the new life we find in Christ is represented in Spring.
66. Create a Tape Resist Watercolor Cross.
67. Celebrate Resurrection Sunday with these fun Empty Tomb cupcakes. Download step-by-step instructions and He is Risen flags!
68. Make this simple, printable Resurrection Easter Craft.
69. Talk about how God has shown us grace. Find a family to serve.
70. Bake Empty Tomb Rolls with your kids.
71. Make a Colors of Faith Jelly Bean Bracelet.
72. Build a LEGO Resurrection Garden.
73. Create your own Resurrection Egg Set (or just purchase a set to use with your kids).
74. Make your own graphic novel telling the Easter story.
75. Make a larger Resurrection Garden (I love these!).
76. Research where archaeologists think the empty tomb may be.
77. Make these adorable Sheep Easter Cookies. Download Bible verse gift tags and give these away!
78. Bake Resurrection Cookies.
79. Paint this Where is Jesus? Magic Watercolor Art.
80. Print these Resurrection Story Coloring Cards.
81. Make this Crown of Thorns snack.
82. Bake an empty tomb cake.
83. Here’s another cool Garden Tomb Resurrection Craft.
84. Invite another family to Easter service.
85. Make these simple cross mosaics.
86. Throw a party with these fun Sunday School Easter snacks.
87. Create a Mosaic Cross.
88. Color this Resurrection Eggs printable banner.
89. Sing “Crown Him with Many Crowns” by Matthew Bridges and Godfrey Thring”.
90. Teach your kids about Christ and his Work with Sound Words for Kids–fun lessons in theology!
91. Tell the Easter story with PlayDoh.
92. Write a poem about the Resurrection.
93. Assemble a stone Resurrection Cross.
94. For older kids, write why it is important that Christ rose from the dead.
95. Make the beautiful Holy Week Story Stones shown in this post.
96. Put on a Resurrection skit and tell the Easter story.
97. Print and assemble this neat spinning Easter Story Craft.
98. Make a list of reasons to be grateful Jesus offers forgiveness.
99. Play this printable Easter Story game.
100. Teach your kids about Jesus with 24 printable ‘Jesus Is’ devotions. The Jesus Is banner is a wonderful countdown to Easter!
101. Practice handwriting with this Easter minibook.
102. Our neighbor used to erect a big wooden cross draped in purple linen in her yard every year and talk to her kids (and neighbors) about its importance.
103. Work through The Beginner’s Bible Come Celebrate Easter Sticker and Activity Book.
104. Make these fun Easter Story felt finger puppets together, then act out the story.
105. Draw the Garden of Gethsemane.
106. Read The Very First Easter to your kids.
107. Practice sharing the Gospel with each other.
108. Use these free Color-by-Number Christian Easter addition and subtraction worksheets.
Grab your FREE Bible Study Tool Kit–over 130 pages of Bible resources for your family!
109. Throw a Resurrection party at your home and celebrate Jesus.
110. Make a bead and clay cross.
111. Resurrection Day is one of the most joyous remembrances a Christian can celebrate. Make it fun and memorable for your family by choosing a few of these Easter activities for your kids to do.
112. Make an Easter story wreath.
113. Help kids sequence and learn about Palm Sunday and Holy Week with these fun bookmarks!
114. Look up where Golgotha is, and look at photos.
115. Bake an Easter Cross Cake.
116. Make a Rice Crispy Easter Scene.
117. Visit a DIY ceramics painting shop and decorate a plate for Easter dinner for each child.
118. Print these Bible verse Easter puzzles.
119. Assemble an Egg Carton Cross ornament.
120. Make this printable Easter finger puzzle with Bible verses.
121. Check out this He is Risen Resurrection Sunday Printable Pack.
Books Make Great Gifts!
Teach the kids about the Bible and Christian history…
…with fun books they’ll love reading!
Introduce your children to engaging stories written in an engaging narrative they’ll want to read. As they learn more about God’s Word and gain real-life heroes, they will learn to apply Scripture to their own lives. And, give yourself the gift of a book that will help your kids learn and love the Bible.
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